Senhasegura adds New Ease-of-Use Features for MySafe Password Management/Privileged Access Solution
Feb 29, 2024 - Yahoo! Finance
Senhasegura’s combined password manager and privileged access management (PAM) in a single platform adds Browser Extensions that make managing passwords and access simple
SÃO PAULO & SAN FRANCISCO, February 29, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Senhasegura, a leading provider of privileged access management (PAM) solutions, added new features and functionality that make the company’s MySafe advanced password manager/PAM solution easier for users to store, generate and manage their passwords through a browser, local applications and online services. MySafe makes it simple for users to generate and retrieve complex passwords stored in an encrypted database. Senhasegura is the first to help security teams tackle both user passwords, one of an organization’s biggest security risks, and privileged users, one of an attacker’s most lucrative targets, all from a single platform.
All information stored in Senhasegura MySafe can be viewed through the web application, on Senhasegura’s mobile app or directly on the website you need to use. Senhasegura’s new browser extension supports Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and more.
"In many cases, multiple employees share a single account for third-party services and platforms," said Marcus Scharra, CEO of Senhasegura. "For administrators who sometimes have to manage shared passwords of certain services between sales, engineering and administrative staff, it’s harder to track access during an incident, especially if an employee has left the company. The new features of MySafe diminish the impulse of sharing passwords through productivity tools, providing administrators an easy way to update passwords while providing a record of who had access to these tools and when."